"Who is Nick Fradiani?

“I have to be honest with you, It’s been pumped up from everyone I’ve talked to about it… I hope it lives up to the Legend that it seems to be… It seems to be real supportive music fans that will follow you along and support you - I want to make some new fans and friends…”

TRB XXI will be Nick Fradiani’s first Rock Boat, but he has been a member of the TRB community for some time. He has met countless Boaters while playing with friends, Eric and Tim of The Alternate Routes, connected at Write By the Sea & Rock By the Sea, and has collaborated by TRB stalwart, Stephen Kellogg. He talks his pre-COVID life of American Idol and starring in The Bronx Tale Musical. During COVID, he kept his fans entertained with virtual concerts and releasing songs throughout COVID. He is excited to have hit the road again recently and is excited for the opportunity to play on The Boat.

Support Nick Fradiani and listen to his latest single “Never Gonna”:

Never Gonna
Nick Fradiani

Nick Fradiani can be found at









The BoatCast would like to thank our sponsor, lifecoachingforwomenphysicians.com, for supporting us in promoting Rock Boat Artists. If you want to get the word out about these artists and are interested in sponsoring The Boatcast, please email Chris at: ChristopherRhoad@gmail.com.