"Who are The Talbott Brothers?"

“We’re excited to see familiar faces, we remember so many people from The Boat… looking forward to being back in that space and the Community of it!”

Veteran Rock Boater Artists, The Talbott Brothers, could not be more excited to return for the sailing of TRBXXII!

We Got Love - lots of it - for the Talbott Brothers in this Episode!!! Tyler and Nick Talbott join Chris Rhoad, BoatCast Mark, and Cousin Eammon to relive all things Rock Boat - including Cabin shows, their no-so-short Atrium set, and making enduring friendships with fans on the Boat.

Listen here for details about getting the call to play XXII, their upcoming Tour, and new album details!

If you haven’t picked up a copy of the previous records Gray or Ghost Talker yet, check them out!

Ghost Talker
The Talbott Brothers

The Talbott Brothers can be found at

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/talbottbrothers

Instagram: https://instagram.com/talbottbrothers?utm_medium=copy_link

Twitter: @TalbottBrothers



Show The Talbott Brothers some Heavy Love on their upcoming Tour:

The BoatCast would like to thank our sponsor, lifecoachingforwomenphysicians.com, for supporting us in promoting Rock Boat Artists. If you want to get the word out about these artists and are interested in sponsoring The Boatcast, please email Chris at: ChristopherRhoad@gmail.com.