Rock Boat XXII Top 22 Memories

Season 3 Premiere

The BoatCast kicks off Season 3 by reliving their favorite moments of Rock Boat 22.

Chris, Mark and Eammon discuss epic performances, connection with fellow boaters, and those moments that can only be had on TRB.

The BoatCast shares a goal of hearing more from fellow boaters this season as we think everyone on the cruise deserves a shoutout as everyone in attendance was a ripple of the whole Rock Boat experience!

After discussing Rock Boat 22, it was then time to start looking forward to getting ready for next year’s boat. There is no better guest for us to have on than Rock Boater Dr. Ali Novitsky to discuss setting healthy goals for the upcoming year.

Ali is board certified in obesity medicine, a certified personal trainer, and has a business that helps female physicians achieve optimal mental, physical, and emotional well being.

The guys of The BoatCast are committing to following Ali’s guidance so they can be in Ship Shape for XXIII. They invite you to follow them in their journey and stay tuned for some pearls that may help you on your own journey to wellness. Mark seemed sold on 40% greater longevity = 40% more Rock Boats.

@alinovitskymd’s socials:






The BoatCast would like to thank our sponsor,, for supporting us in promoting Rock Boat Artists. If you want to get the word out about these artists and are interested in sponsoring The Boatcast, please email Chris at: